How to Check Gauge in Crochet

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Gauge is the number of stitches and rows per unit of measure (inches or centimeters). Learning how to check gauge in crochet is an important basic crochet skill so that your project turns out exactly how it was intended!

How to measure gauge

I LOVE to check gauge in crochet.  Said NO ONE.  EVER.  I am pretty sure I’ve spent most of my entire crochet life avoiding a gauge swatch like the plague.

I really hate every thing about it–the idea that you must take time out before diving into your project to crochet something you will never use so that you can decide whether or not the hook you bought just for the project will even work for you.  

Does this sound familiar?

As I’ve mellowed in my crochet maturity, I feel like I’ve come to a bit of peace with the lowly gauge swatch. I won’t go so far as to say I love doing them or that I even do them all the time.

What I have learned, though, is that it is an important first step for many projects and that by doing one you can ensure your finished items turns out the same size as the original design. After all, that’s part of what drew you to the project in the first place, right?

Let’s dive into all the nitty gritty details about a gauge swatch. How you make a sample. How you measure that sample. What you do to adjust if your measurements are not as expected. And… when you really do need to do a gauge swatch and, more importantly, when you don’t.

Here’s the bottom line:  If it is something that needs to fit you or someone else or is a project where it is important that your finished piece turn out to be the exact dimensions in the pattern, then you need to take a deep breath and figure out your gauge.

Here’s how:  Buy a handy Knit-Chek ruler.  It makes it easy to check gauge in knit or crochet.   Yes, you can use a regular ruler, but this one is so much easier to use and if you’re going to do a gauge swatch you might as well make it as easy as possible on yourself.  

Those little holes on the ruler are handy for determining the millimeter size of the knitting needles or crochet hooks.  Do you know that the “letter” on a crochet hook doesn’t necessary translate to the same millimeter diameter from one hook to the next? You can read my ultimate guide to crochet hooks for all the details.

Crochet Gauge

Next, crochet a sample in the stitch specified in the pattern about 3-4 inches across and up and down.  Find a spot away from an edge and place the cut out section of the ruler a row of crochet and count the stitches that fit across it.  Move your ruler to a few different spots and measure again so that you are certain of the stitch count.

This example has 7 stitches for a 2″ space. The pattern might also specify the number of rows in the gauge.  It’s a good idea to check this too, but I find it’s less important. Usually a crochet stitch is in proportion to itself, so focus on getting the number of stitches across the row correct and the stitch height usually will take care of itself.

how to check gauge in crochet

Next, look at the pattern gauge information and compare with your gauge swatch.  The gauge in the pattern might specify a different measurement–such as 1 inch or 4 inches.  

So you might need to do some math to get the stitches per 2 inches you counted converted to the “per inch” measurement specified in the pattern.  For instance, if the pattern says “gauge:  4 sc per inch”, then you would divide what you got, 7 stitches per 2 inches, by 2 to come up with 3.5 single crochet per inch.

If your gauge is the same as the pattern gauge, then you are good to go!  Proceed forward with the same size crochet hook you used for your gauge swatch and start your project!

However, in this example, there are 3.5 stitches per inch and the gauge says there should be 4. This means that the stitches in the gauge swatch are bigger than the pattern requires.  

The solution is to change your hook size. In this case, change to a smaller hook so that you get slightly more stitches per inch. The solution is to drop down a size hook or two and try the gauge swatch again.  And yes, this DOES mean you will have to start over and crochet ANOTHER gauge swatch.

Do not make the mistake of thinking “it’s close enough”.  Small differences add up in the pattern.  The last thing you want is to spend a lot of time and money making something and then finding out it is too tight or too big because you didn’t want to bother with a gauge swatch.

Working a gauge swatch and measuring can save you from unpleasant surprises when you’re designing or just crocheting away on something. For instance, many people are surprised when they make a temperature blanket in single crochet rows, just how long 365 rows of crochet really turns out to be!

Now..for the best part… when can you NOT make a gauge swatch?  Well…any time you don’t really care if your end project is the exact same size as the designer’s project.  I never measure gauge for amigurumi or stuffed toys, dishcloths, anything decorative.  I rarely measure gauge for an afghan.  

I don’t care if those things are the exact size of the pattern. Just keep in mind, you may have to buy an extra skein of yarn on larger projects just in case your gauge has you using a bit more yarn than the designer.

Love it or hate it, sometimes you just need to know how to check gauge in crochet.  And now you know!

I love seeing your finished projects! If you enjoyed making one of my patterns I’d love to see yours on Instagram, be sure to tag me @crochet365knittoo.  If you are on Facebook, stop over to the Crochet 365 Knit Too Facebook page or pop over to the Crochet365KnitToo Club and share a photo!  I’d love to see your work!

Check Gauge in Crochet

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  1. Thank have never seen one of these before! Thanks for sharing! I am currently running the Beginners Crochet Group on Facebook and this little would be handy to share with the group. Thank you!

  2. I have 2 from my mom’s extensive collection of knitting and crocheting items. Since I acquired them after she passed, I only used the ruler part. Thanks for opening my eyes to see the use for the other features. Love your blog!!

  3. Good to know I don’t need to worry about rows (because that never matches). So when doing the swatch we should work up the pattern itself, or just regular single crotchet? I have a sweater book, and it recomends working the first seven rows for the guage swatch. There are two different stitch patterns in those seven rows. Thoughts?

    1. If the pattern specifies a certain number of rows for the gauge swatch, then you would work those rows as directed. It sounds like your pattern wants you to just work the first 7 rows as written and then measure. Hope that helps clarify

    2. I’m so thankful to have found you online. I’ve been crocheting for almost 60 years. I’mself taught beyond my grandmother teaching me how to chain stitch (to keep me busy while she crocheted.) I learn something new with every project. There have been many times I’ve created a new pattern from one where I couldn’t figure out the stitch(es) called for in the instructions. Noone knew the difference when gifted a piece unless I told them. But with the aid of your labors and conversational tone, I can learn the proper methods. Thank you!

      1. So glad you found Crochet 365 Knit Too and are finding it useful! There is so much to learn and love about crochet!

    1. The stitches to check gauge will vary depending on the pattern. So check the pattern. It will give you what you need to check and how many stitches should be in that sample. Hope that makes sense.